It ' s a common erratum that stretch marks are a problem only women suffer through. Both women and men are equal gang when it comes to being embarrassed and self - conscious about stretch marks. Males in general are a lot less likely to even talk about stretch marks which adds to the myth that stretch marks are a woman ' s kingdom.
In males, stretch marks repeatedly expose by way of rapid growth periods brought on by boyhood, excessive weightlifting, steroid use or during times of weight gain due to an abrupt slowdown from an energetic lifestyle.
Stretch Marks 101
Our skin is made up of distinctive layers, each with their own intent. The surface layer, the epidermis, rests on the dermis and is our bodies first line of protection against harmful environmental contaminates. Forthwith under, the dermis is comprised of collagen and elastin, proteins that are instrumental in keeping the skin flexible and firm. The dermis provides nutrients and foothold to the epidermis. When the dermis is healthy with lots of collagen and elastin, the skin looks firm an smooth. When there is a deficiency of collagen and elastin, the skin will look wrinkled, lumpy and loose.
In the circumstances of stretch marks, the skin is forced to convert quickly to an abrupt change in the size or shape of an people body. Often, it doesn ' t do an adequate job. Depending on your age, genetics, skin type or overall health, the dermis frequently cannot modify quickly enough, causing weak thin areas in the dermis. When new, these languid areas become red, salty or darker due to disastrous capillaries similar to bruising. It is these discoloured thin areas we mind from the surface as stretch marks. Over time, these coal marks do heal and become smaller, anaemic white or glossy white and less noticeable.
Hormones Are The Root Cause
Likewise common inaccuracy is stretch marks are caused by the " tearing " of the skin. Stretch marks are all caused by hormone imbalances. These glucocorticoid hormones affect the growth of elastin and collagen in the dermis. Imbalances bring about impaired collagen and elastin formation resulting in bands of " thin " dermis, particularly in areas of the body station growth is the greatest: innards, chest / shoulders, buttocks, arms, etc. So, in flak, the skin doesn ' t tear, but grows and expands abnormally due to a need of energetic building materials.
Hormonal changes eventuate in the male body for a unit of reasons. Some of the most common reasons are growth spurts during awkward age, rapid weight gain or loss, bodybuilding or weightlifting, and steroid use for malady or sport.
Growth Spurts during Immaturity
Throughout innocence, teenage boys commonly go through rapid growth periods. Stretch marks can exposition up on the lower back or intestines, shoulders, thighs or upper arms or virtually any area of the body that is developing very quickly.

Unfortunately, there is no way to slow the body growth. However, utilizing moisturizers, being active and maintaining a healthy diet rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins C, A and E can go a long way to keeping the skin healthy, durable and versatile.
Of note, being of the durable nature of a growing body, stretch marks acquired during youth much heal quickly and eventually become the numero uno noticeable.
Rapid Weight Gain or Loss
Rapid weight gain or loss is increased common chief to stretch marks. Hormones are coinciding in structure to cholesterol and fat, so putting on or losing a lot of weight quickly can cause imbalances in the skin ' s glucocorticoid hormone levels that influence how the skin regenerates and grows.
Avoiding a diet high in fat and simple carbohydrates such as mush and rarefied flour can clinch rapid weight gain. Weight gain also comes from an quick slow down in physical exercise. Going from an energetic outdoor job for an indoor sedentary desk job without any discongruity of diet can be enough in witting people to cause unwanted sudden weight gain.
Bodybuilding or Weightlifting
In bodybuilders and weightlifters, the arms, shoulder muscles and upper body are particularly tender to stretch marks due to these areas build muscle quickly with rigorous exercise or by using anabolic steroids or supplements. To prevent stretch marks while muscle building, exercise all muscle groups instead of concentrating on just the upper body. For supplementary protection, lubricate the skin in places such as the upper arms, chest / shoulders, upper thighs and buttocks, and most importantly, create a plan to develop muscle mass consistently over time.
Steroid Use
The use of any steroids, whether to treat certain illnesses or boost sturdy performance can eventually lead to stretch marks. The use of steroids are known to affect hormone animation consequently potentially pleasing the connective tissue of the dermis. Common types of steroid use are prolonged or overuse of corticosteroid medications like those used to treat rheumatoid arthritis or asthma and anabolic steroid use in athletes.
Effective Treatments
First and foremost, prevention should be a priority when dealing with male stretch marks. Once present, stretch marks can be penurious even to the point locus they are hard to consideration, but they will be with you for life. There are many over - the - counter topical creams that can be fully effective. Most work best for recent stretch marks and lack hopped up consistent use for many months. The costs can add up. When looking for an effective stretch mark cream, research the subject online wealthy particular attention to even-handed reviews that maintain good details and products that offer a satisfaction guarantee.
For white " aged " or severe stretch marks, stopover a dermatologist for a more in - depth evaluation of your particular case. A good dermatologist will have experienced knowledge of what will most likely work best for your stretch marks. They can fix up information on more advanced treatments such as laser stretch mark removal, microdermabrasion, massage therapy or combinations of treatments.
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