What is sexual energy?
For most it is something we feel when we civility we are attracted to someone. Our bodies feel tingly or our genitals feel some “ heat”. Conceivably your heart begins to pound and you just feel jumpy or “ bad on”, but this is only a superficial explanation. Some may even say that it is our baser unlovely instincts that are running the sight. But did you know that our body carries within in it a stretched-out potential of raw sexual energy which for most of us goes untapped. This raw energy is not only the life force of all creatures but it is has the power when used properly to heal your body, bring you enormous amounts of pleasure, awaken your brain, bring you full spiritual enlightenment, yawning your heart and exhibit existence you long.
From the tantric perspective our sexual energy is the “ feminine hip force of the universe” and as such it is much viewed as bothered, luxuriant, untamed, and hot-headed energy. Each of us, both men and women, have this energy and most of us have never even bothered to learn about it. Here in the West, sexual energy is most usually portrayed as an itch to be aggrieved or hormones that take us over, or an unbridled passion or lust between two people. Seldom do we ever note the power of our sexual energy when used for healing, spiritual awakening or sex magic.
The universal energy of consciousness is called Shakti. This energy is also known in other systems as Qui. It is your raw sexual energy. We also call this energy Shakti Kundalini in that Kunda means bowl and this is locale Shakti initially resides. As you learn how to step this energy up your spine, and there are many ways to do this, you unfastened up your chakrasand other energy centers.
Scrutinize that your sexual energy is likened to nuclear energy in that it is loud, odorless but in this position it is also pure electrical current that can generate enormous amounts of energy in your body.
That is why men are promising to learn how to manipulation their orgasms and to build up the sexual charge in their body. This current can then be stored in your solar plexus and utilized at will when needed. It can also give you much more energy than you ever introspection possible, even better than two cups of coffee.
The path of Tantra can in reality be a something else vehicle to explore the power of your sexual energy and to learn how to abound, advance and harness this energy in a herd of beneficial ways. You will be virtuous to thrive how you not only grasp what sexual energy is all about, but how you and your partner can first off benefit from it. The Taoist form of Tantra specifically has genial how to stem one’ s Qui ( life force ) to be used to heal the body. You can learn more about this in my apologue, Cultivating Sexual Energy with Taoist Tantra.
In tantric lovemaking, the power and potential of our shared sexual energy is husky and can tote about many amazing experiences. When two people come together to make love that is to say they grant their heart energy and sexual energy to alloy, and are aware of how to circulate their sexual energy with each other and bull's eye it, their experience becomes fully extraordinary. Not only can they use their energy for themselves but they can also use it to help heal the planet or to ultimate hunger or any other big ideal that they feel unified on. Contemplate being able to dedicate your orgasms to ending world hunger. Then your lovemaking becomes something that not only benefits yourselves but all of humanity.
Humanity is at a crucial turning point right now and even how we use our sexual energy can make a difference. So I invite you to take the time and energy to learn more about this amazing and awesome energy that gives you your very life and to introduce to use it in a more conscious and focused way.
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