Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tattooing And Piercing In Islam!

Quran education is important for every Muslim irrespective of gender. You can only know about your religion and yourself, if you read Quran. To learn your religion and ideology of life, Allah ( SWT ) presented you with a something else courtesy of Quran.

Tattoos & Gold Jacketing Of Teeth In Islam:

Tattoos are a growing trend in the world and most of the people matter if tattoos have an acceptance in Islam or not? Agnate is the case with gold teeth. Problems of teeth are continuously increasing due to consumption of more and more sugar. Due to this many people are now going for jacketing of their teeth. These jackets are many times made up of gold. It is a great concern for Muslims men, for they are forbidden to wear gold in their lives by Allah ( SWT ).

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘ Uthaymeen, a illustrious student, uttered in one of his sermons that Muslims men are not permitted to wear gold teeth unless it is very essential for him. Seer Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) oral that, “ Gold and silk have been permitted for the females of my ummah. ”

However, if a woman or man dies in the state of having teeth gold cardigan on, it must be removed before burying him. However, make actual that the removal would not lead to mutilation of the corpse.

As far as the matter of tattoos is concerned, tattoos are built on body through drastically hurting the body and it is forbidden in Islam to hurt your body. According to Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘ Uthaymeen, tattooing which involves piercing with indicator and which involves colors of whitewash are considered Haraam.

It might not cause you pain or little pain, but it means changing the creation of Allah ( SWT ). In al - Saheehayn it is narrated that ‘ Abd - Allaah ibn Mas’ ood ( may Allah be pleased with him ) spoken: “ May Allah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who unite their eyebrows and those who chain their teeth for the reason of beautification and alter the alpha of Allah. ” ( al - Bukhaari, al - Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al - Libaas, 5538 ).

Allah Curses The People With Tattoos And Women With Plucked Eye Brows:

From the better recognition it is clear that Allah ( SWT ) has hapless the women or man who adopts such things in their lives. Many scholars jaw that this is one of the forms of deception and that makes it forbidden in Islam. Another give lessons of scrutiny argues that it is forbidden due to of the change in the creation of Allah ( SWT ). No matter what motive is behind it, you have been forbidden.

We have to make Quran a part of our lives, to better possess ourselves, our lives, and the commands of Allah ( SWT ). Through Quran only we can succeed in our lives and become what Allah ( SWT ) has asked us to become. At odds we will be lost in the darkness of the age like many nations before us. May Allah ( SWT ) keep us on the right path and help us become a chosen one and grant us Jannah ( Ameen ).

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