Thursday, March 5, 2015

Learn To Say No and Build Your Inner Strength

Much has been talked about the power of saying amen and your ability to be unfastened to new thinking. This is all well and good, but the universe acts like a bourse of exchange. In succession to hold you must also be able to let go. Letting go is a challenge and very few of us rise to it.

Particularly in our western culture it is frowned upon to refuse a favour or to decline an appeal. Social benchmark has it that you must be following the conventional standard blindly or risk being labelled as barbarous and worse still shunned by your peers as an expendable bummed out.

It is of course well documented that people thrive better, are healthier and live longer when they are actively engaged in small communities. The anonymity of part life is the fragmentary cause of many behavioural problems, including depression. It goes without saying that depressed people will not be good members of any society and are unable to make worthwhile contributions, let alone perform in crest states, be this in their work or relationships.

Our society inadvertently encourages living destitute lives and forming friendships out of need quite than a veritable reaction of retaliated harmony and overlap of case. While this feels a core need, at beginning superficially it does you no favours in the long run, due to it will weaken you energetically.

One of the steps to personal empowerment is identifying the things you do that leak away your inner strength and resolve. Many of us are frightened to say “ no” seeing we are frightened that it may in some way go against us.

Totally the reverse is the circumstances. The senescent wisdom tradition of HUNA advocates cutting energy cords with the people in your life. The underlying premise is that each time we think of someone a connection is formed. In HINA this connection is referred to as aka cords. Can you visualize how many billions of aka cords are formed through your lifetime? This means that you inherit the good and bad energies of everyone you ever connected with and also leak your own energy to everyone you have connected with.

Over time this leads to a massive leaking away of your own inner strength. You are of course unaware of this as this energy seepage happens very gradually over time. As you get older your energy levels gradually dwindle away.

Part of the actuation may be that you wittily have too many aka connections which should be released.

The regular practice of releasing those connections is very liberating. You can do this right now by examining your circle of friends and acquaintances carefully. Who is there in your life just taking, without offering part in return? Who makes you feel consumed and haggard, and who makes you feel good about yourself? Keep your emotions out of the way and don’ t feel exposed for realising that some of the people you are associating with are not molecule your progress.

Suppose me this kindly of thinking is not a crime, but a necessity, particularly in times when our inner strength is under constant attack from exterior negative influences. You need to keep your inner resultant up at all costs.

In the long run it is a decency to yourself as well as the other people who do not fit your criteria. You are releasing them from a obstruction too, even though they may not be au fait of it after all. Part of growing is about nipping away those things that do not prepare us and this is as much about ridding yourself of that dress you have not worn for the gone five caducity as it is about ridding yourself of those people around you who make no presentation to your life.

Many feng shui books talk about the need to clear out tangle. There is a lot to this advice. Alas, what do you think will have a bigger influence on your life? Getting rid of a few unused items or freeing yourself from those people and hangers on? I also call them energy vampires?

So look at your so called friends, look at your business colleagues. Make the alliances with those stronger who have something to submission to you. It works both ways if you are more focused with your personal and business friendships you can also give more of yourself to those relationships, accordingly making a powerful impression on each others life.

You can gently break away from those people who hold you back. You do not need to fall out with them, just distance yourself in a polite and hushed way. Setting the intention alone is usually enough. You will gain energy and build personal trouble and become much more assertive in the process.

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