Friday, May 15, 2015

Foods For Harder Erections

You are what you eat and simple diet changes can made to get harder erections and increased libido naturally and safely. Here we will look at the best foods for harder erections...

The first point to keep in mind is that you are what you eat and you need to cut out the inputs that cause erection problems which are - smoking, drinking and recreational drugs, either cut down or stop perfectly.

Next as a general rule, cut out processed and filtered foods as much as possible and eat as " naturally from the earth " as you can; these foods will aptly have more nutritional value.

Now let ' s look at the foods you should constitute in your diet.

Oily Fish

One of the best foods for harder erections. The omega - 3 fatty acids in oily fish enhance blood flow around the body and to the penis and strong blood flow is essential for a hard erection. Any of the following are good choices - maroon, mackerel, trout and fresh tuna. Try and have oily fish at ahead 3 times a date. It ' s also a rich source of selenium and zinc.

Zinc is known as the sex mineral and is needed for the production of testosterone. Around 50 % of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose selenium in semen, for you need to keep levels topped up.


Don ' t like fish go nuts! Nuts such as almonds are a good source of essential fatty acids as well.


You may not remark it as a sexy food but it is! Eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5; these help balance hormone levels and fight stress which leads to higher sex drive and harder erections.


Bananas are rich potassium, which is a great tonic for your heart and general blood circulation which is of course necessary to get an erection. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium levels level, stopping high blood pressure.


Figs are high in amino acids; increase libido and can also improve sexual energy and help you get a strong erection.


Onion increases libido and also strengthens the sex organs. The allicin present in onions thins the blood and enhances overall circulation.


Snack on celery when your hungry its great at increasing sexual energy as it helps with testosterone production.

Cherries and Berries

Cherries and berries are full of anthocyanins, which protect your artery walls, meed prevent the fatty plaques that lead to atherosclerosis. Any brightly colored fruit is good and good choices are - peaches and nectarines.

When cheer use these herbs and you will have tasty foods for harder erections


These get your blood pumping strongly around the body and to the genital zone and they work quickly - ever ear a flurry of blood to your face when eating gratifying food? Well that ' s what chilies to ploy the blood.


Use Ginger in your chow if you can and you can also take it as a daily tonic. Take a tablespoon of snap juice with a half - boiled egg and some honey once daily and within a few weeks you will observance the difference in your health and libido daily. It gets the blood pumping and that ' s as we have empitic just what you need


Garlic like onions contains allicin and increases blood flow as well as protecting the heart.

Now Do This! For More Sexual Power

Get some or all of the extensive in your diet and then take some time tested Chinese herbs to increase libido once daily and you can build on the big and gain more sexual power. Ginseng, Cnidium and Tumultuous Goat Weed are some you can take which are proven to enhance libido and health and there are many more.

The best herbal sex pills contain 10 or more in super strength formulas and if you take them with your foods for harder erections, you will not only get more from sex but more from life.

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