Friday, May 22, 2015

Spiritual And Demonic Possession: 7 Common Symptoms

Are you or someone you know being influenced by lost souls or ill-lighted energy?

There’ s a world - wide epidemic today that most people don’ t know much about. It’ s a very common circumstance, someday it’ s generalized and ofttimes overlooked.

It’ s called spirit possession. “ The Exorcist” movie was an breakthrough of the phenomenon, and a depossession by a priest is only one way to deal with it. It’ s also known as spirit inclination and demonic possession. It happens when lost ( disembodied ) souls and, or tenebrous energy interfere with or even take oversight of someone.

It usually occurs after the abuse of drugs or alcohol ( as these substances weaken your energy field ), it can occur during abuse, and some people who are highly sensitive ( e. g., Britney Spears, in our speculation ), are more susceptible to it than others. Even a poor diet or high levels of stress can cause sensitive people to be more of a target. Those with addictions are midpoint always affected by it.

Taking can yourself and your site can be the jumping-off place of healing and protecting yourself, but it can be more strenuous for some to do this due to current existing, potent hitch from nebulous energy. Ironically, even those who want to help themselves can be persuaded, frequently beyond conscious awareness, by overcast energy or lost souls to avoid seeking help. The will to improve, along with effective methods, must be present to fully heal.

Why do lost souls or rayless energy feed off of a host, you might ask? They sustain earthbound and conjugate themselves, energetically, to those from which they can get the fix of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, food, sex, power, resentment, or whatever too many they were apt to before their physical bodies died.

As for faint energy, demons and other negative influences that interfere, their motives can be as simple as an piety with an evil force. In our experience, however, and contrary to frightful Hollywood movies, most demons are more like bratty, misbehaving children who are more easily controlled than you may think.

By the way, long ago we didn’ t fall for in “ evil” or “ dark” energy. But since doing a lot of practical research on the subject and subsequently detail people with Spiritual Detox, we are now incontestable that it does exist. There always has been and always will be polar opposites, as a natural part of your earthy existence: without darkness there cannot be light, without cold there cannot be heat, without fear there cannot be faith.

For more stubborn entities and pitch-black energies, we offer a more extensive method of request for spiritual help through our script ( available in the Direct Your Destiny e - box ), Spiritual Detox audio, or private sessions.

http: / / spiritualgrowthnow. com / spiritual - detox /

The following index includes signs of being influenced by dull energy or lost souls.

1 ) Do you or someone you know have negative emotional or physical reactions to the thought of Spiritual Detox TM ( such as “ part of you” inclination to do it and “ part of you” not long to do it )?

2 ) Do you or someone you know have, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual feelings of being blocked?

3 ) Do you or someone you know abuse alcohol or drugs? ( The use of either allows lost souls or overcast energy to influence you rooted more easily. )

4 ) Did you or someone you know have a animated assault of alcohol or drug abuse, or a nimble beginning of a desire to materialize cigarettes, overeat, or side with in some other addictive, unhealthy behavior?

5 ) Do you or someone you know have multifarious personality changes while under the influence?

6 ) Do you or someone you know sense an unexplainable presence in your / their home or office ( sometimes referred to as a “ ghost” )? It’ s common to sense the presence when falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night.

7 ) Did you or someone you know have sprightly and unexplainable strife and conflict with a partner, family extra, or boon companion?

8 ) Do you or someone you know have an addiction to sex, a harefooted or unexplainable beginning of torture, depression, reckless behavior, poor memory and concentration, change in personality, feelings of being followed or sensuality droopy, schizophrenia, physical problems, recurring dreams or nightmares, anger, amenability or anxiety, or hear inner voices ( especially with negative messages )?

If you answered yep to any of these questions, it’ s likely you or someone you know is being influenced by “ lost souls” and, or opaque energy. But do not be waspish.

The subjects of entity fidelity and spirit possession may seem frightening, but there’ s really insignificancy to fear. It is neatly a matter of energy that needs to be firmly directed to the proper place and well-informed how to protect yourself.

One way to protect yourself is to avoid drugs and worthless alcohol, visualize a white light of protection around you ofttimes, and ask for help from Power, your guides, or angels of the Light. Wittily state your asking for help out vociferous.

Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

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