Monday, November 23, 2015


Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus and they are present in 20 - 50 % of all women. No one knows what causes fibroids. Carolyn Myss says they speak for our unbirthed creativity – dreams and images of ourselves that have never heuristic the light of day. Fibroids are recurrently associated with conflicts about creativity, reproduction and relationships. In a world that is so structured and happy, fibroids may be our body’ s way of telling us to ‘ break out of the box’ and claim our authentic nature. Here are some tools that have been gleaned from eastern and western healing traditions. May they serve you on your healing journey:

1. UPGRADE TO A WHOLE FOODS DIET. That means food that occurs in nature. If it’ s man - made, it’ s not. Advocate clear of food that comes in a can, a box or a casing. Eat fresh, lovingly prepared, whole organic foods - grains, roots, verdant greens, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, lean proteins. Eliminate / reduce dairy, sugar, high fat, caffeine and alcohol and all chemicalized, clear, artificial foods.

2. FREE UP BLOCKED ENERGY. There are several therapies that are very healing for releasing quiescent energy – acupuncture, acupressure, polarity therapy, massage, reiki, qigong, NAET – are a few. Blocked energy leads to imbalance, unaddressed imbalance leads to disease.

3. Discussion WITH YOUR UTERUS. Your body is an unlimited tarn of information and wisdom. When you are ready to partner with it, you will uncover a plethora of messages. Awareness is key in healing any imbalance. You may be able to connect the assault of fibroids with a specific circumstance or shift in your life – Are you living a life by deficit? Are you finding yourself in a career or relationship that stifles who you really are? Are you transitioning from being an ‘ on call’ Mom to empty den? Are you recovering from feelings of fault around an unwanted pregnancy or abortion? Do you fully own and express your masculinity? Do you have secretive anger around these questions? There are many issues that lock up the physical manifestation of fibroids, get in touch with what is really happening.

4. Use CASTOR OIL PACKS. This is an Edgar Cayce remedy that has provided results for many people. The advising is to exploit packs to the lower tummy for a minimum of three times per stage. While the treatment is subsidiary bull's eye your attention on thoughts, images and feelings that arise during the treatment.

5. Notebook. Project, with enthusiasm and energy, what you’ d like to create in your life and note it down.

Let your secret desires and inner self out of the closet and name your deepest dreams. Civility if you have any sensations in your body that are resistant. Become aware of any thoughts and feelings that arise. Create them down! Writing bridges the conscious and the subconscious mind. It is a fruity - neuromuscular life and literally imprints the brain. This will help you discern your unconscious limiting beliefs and will help release the thoughts and ideas that block you.

6. USE 2 % PROGESTERONE Boon. Profit by ¼ - ½ teaspoon once or twice a tour before your cycle is due to block the effects of overproduction of estrogen.

7. REDUCE STRESS. Stress affects our immune system and depletes the body of vital nutrients. It also affects the endocrine system which regulates the seamless occupation of hormones in the body. Reduce environmental stress on the body by watch tumult levels, what you read or timer on the TV. Design a home environment that sustains you, build a loving enlightenment of relationships that prolong you, minimize use of cleaning items that contain petrochemicals.

8. HARNESS THE HEALING ENERGY OF YOUR BREATH. Maya Tiwari says, “ Life is individual not by the numeral of agedness a person is alive on nature, but by the unit of breaths each soul is accustomed for its journey. ” There is a whole part of yogic science, pranayama, fireball to the study and practice of breath. The ancients advised us to slowly synchronize the rhythms of our breath with that of nature. Breath practice reestablishes the flow of breath in harmony with the rhythms of the universe. Alternate nostril breathing is a great exercise for balancing the body, mind and spirit.

9. Center YOUR INTENTION AND EXPRESS GRATITUDE DAILY. Take 5 minutes in the morning to set your intention for the day and take 5 minutes in the evening to review your day. Heart on your intention and how much of your day was planate with it. List 3 good things about today. Find something “ new and good” about today and keep it in your journal. Give thanks for all you are and have!

10. Nuzzle THE POWER OF SELF EXPRESSION. You are a prolific being by nature and you are creating all the time – consciously or unconsciously. What do you love to do? What excites you, fires you up, collapses time for you? Is it singing, dancing, writing, teaching, leading, representation, healing, akin? Tap into what wants to express itself through you and give it a voice.

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