Thursday, August 20, 2015

Let ' s Get Real About Ascension! Part 1

Due to the length and scope of this article, Let’ s Get Real about Ascension! will be presented in two parts.

Ascension… the word conjures up visions of bliss, joy, and extra psychic abilities along with unlimited prosperity. All this is true once you reach a certain level of consciousness, but the path to that level of joy and prosperity is goods but.

I have read many articles from different channels and teachers on the subject of ascension. Overall, they maintain the positive benefits and outcome of ascension; they only lightly touch on the reality of the ascension path, thence the cause for my article. I want to be real with you about ascension.

I’ ve been on the ascension path, ( different from the spiritual path ) for the former 4 age. And even though I am no expert on ascension, only being able to share in hindsight from my own experiences, I can certainly tell you what I and many others I talked to who promenade the path with me are sense and experiencing. I want you to know that many of the things that you are experiencing on this path, the emotional, physical, and mental highs and lows, are both normal and to be expected.

I have been using the Accelerating DNA Recoding Process along with the Multidimensional Keys of Compassion to complete my recoding process and eventual ascension. Though they are the tools accustomed to me by my guides, I carry forward to use them only owing to they work. They are like computer software without any bugs. They work for me every time. I want the simplest, most uncomplicated, most direct way to ascension. Entity that doesn’ t fit into that description will not dominion my attention.

My experiences, though based on those tools and process, are still in most ways common to all. Just like all roller coasters are a little different from each other, there are still things they have in common.

I will be sharing some of the less than festive aspects of the ascension process. My intention is not to frighten you from your goal but instead, to reinforcement you with the knowledge that you are not alone, you’ re not whacko, and what you are experiencing is all part of the process.

There are many areas to confer in regards to the ascension path. I will cover those I feel to be the most universal and confer the highs, lows and known pitfalls in each. They are Mental, Emotional, Physical and Cash Stability along with Relationships. But before I effect to kick about these areas, I feel it is important to share some of the basic understandings sight ascension so that as you read the following information, you will know what I am conversation about. Of course, these basics come from my own experience of the process and do not necessarily catch the understanding of other teachers.


Ascension is a step - by - step, level - by - level process. We ascend by clearing our emotional blockages one layer at a time. As each layer is passable, we attain a new level of consciousness and understanding. We become compassionate with ourselves, and others in the area we just removed. And though at times we feel that we have gone backwards thanks to the same belief has once again presented itself, we have in reality just brought forward more layer to be unclosed.

We ascend in consciousness first with our bodies gradually transforming as we go. Each time we clear spare layer and achieve compassion with the controversy and people at hand, we change our DNA just a little more. Since our bodies are changing from a ringer based form to a crystalline based form, that means we ooze a little more light— our cells consist of a little more light and less dense matter than before. It is everyday that by the time we stretch 2012, having gone through many years of emotional clearing, our bodies will be ready to deed into a new frequency since they will cast at that frequency. When enough people do this together it creates a new mass consciousness and reality. I am told it takes at beginning 144, 000 people to accomplish this chore and create the new reality. At that point we will have two realities or worlds— two earths. One will be 3D and the other will be 5D.

Clearing our emotional blockages means accessing mature memories from our present and former lives, ballot out the behavior figure / patterns and the fear / fears that are at the root of that ornament, and then re - creating that fear in standardization to integrate it, along with a new behavior based on the absence of the former fear.

For ideal, an senile memory was about suppressing our emotions to break through like sugar and good regardless of the situation. This behavior was created to deal with the fear of being outcast if we chose to express feelings of anger or rage— feelings not acceptable to those we loved. We would choose to reassemble it by experiencing a negative where such as our mate accusing us of some wrongdoing. In this post we would have the choice to use a new behavior ( the new behavior would be to express what we feel in the moment regardless of the outcome, i. e., speaking our truth ) or lifelong with our decrepit behavior of suppressing our anger to keep peace.

As we clear our emotional blocks and our DNA recodes, there is also something expanded happening to us simultaneously. We are essentially rewiring our physical bodies. What this means is that we are developing new neural pathways in our brains that concede us to ride to use the new behavior patterns were are creating as part of our emotional clearing.

DNA recoding is about more than just changing the DNA, it is also about developing the internal structure to device the new crystalline wiring being created through the process. The compassion we are accumulating does not function in the old spitting image based wiring of our body. Instead it functions in the new crystalline portion of our DNA and the new compassion based behaviors are accessed through our new neural pathways in our brains.

Each time we clear a lesson and acquire a new dose of compassion from that clearing, that new dose must reside at last in the body and it must reside fundamentally that will enable us to handle it for ascension purposes.

Compassion is the one thing that causes our DNA to change, and enables us to ascend. Compassion changes the frequency of our bodies. It is like helium. The more helium you have in a balloon, the higher it rises. The more compassion we can clench in our bodies through emotional clearing, the higher we ascend. Our consciousness increases, and our DNA changes to block that increase.

The compassion I direct to here is heart centered compassion not head centered or intellectual compassion. Heart centered compassion can only be attained by experiencing our fears and the associated pain and the choosing new behaviors to integrate the fear. There are those that say you can ascend without enjoyment pain. Based on my experience, that is not the event. Pain has a value— it acts as a catalyst for change. I trust that only through pain can we even drive to note and have compassion for another— the humane of compassion that enables us to feel what they feel but not get implicated up in it. I firmly take it that out of pain comes heart centered compassion. Circumstance extra is just intellectual compassion. It’ s sort of like saying that you know all about ice - skating without ever having skated. Not the same.

The pain stored within our memories and emotional blocks is the fuel we use for ascension. The anger, discredit, duty, resentment— all forms of pain— when transmuted in the high heart chakra, become compassion, and compassion is the key element of ascension.

Ascension is holographic. Just like our world is holographic with each person experiencing their own little world inside a larger world, so ascension is the same. We will all experience ascension a little differently. Though there are some universal criteria for ascension, such as emotional clearing, no particular way is the “ right” way. What matters is that we all span the goal regardless of how we do it.

Personal boundaries and agreements are the basis of multidimensionality and ascension. Personal boundaries are self - love in business and agreements are self - empowerment in animation. Both are the foundation of any behavior that is to be considered higher dimensional.

For those who are using the Accelerated Process of DNA Recoding, ascension is still not complete. The only difference between those who revive and complete the rewiring of their physical forms, and the remainder of humanity is the reality that the rest of the body politic is recoding their DNA at a much slower velocity. Their recoding will be complete at the same time that we are all ready for physical ascension around 2012. So, what I am saying here is that the same tools you use to recode will keep up to be used to complete your ascension.

I have wrapped up the Accelerated Recoding Process and have the necessary wiring and multidimensional consciousness needed to ascend, but I am no way ready to ascend. My physical body has a long way to go to get light enough to shift into 5D. I have a lot of clearing companionless to do. The only inducement that I chose to go the accelerated run was to be able to complete the rewiring process, achieve the higher consciousness way of thinking so that I could turn around and help others through the process. The Accelerated DNA Recoding Process was habituated expressly for that reason. And based on the intensity of that process, there is no other motive to do it. This process was designed for turn - ins, starseeds, and lightworkers who feel they are here to complete a assignment as teachers.

Now that we have unrevealed the basics of ascension ( there are probably more that I don’ t recall right now ), we can proceeding on to the areas of ascension that I discussed earlier.

Mental Stability


As we lead the ascension process one of the first things we enter upon to respect is the differences between the new way of thinking and being, and the ancient way. Though the new way has its pitfalls, I all right raise it through of one very important thing— it enables me to pull myself out of mental, emotional and physical distress created by victimhood.


Higher dimensional thinking causes us to lose friends, friends who hankering to stay victims. As we measure further into ascension, we no longer take after at the frequency of victimhood. Wherefore, our friends and loved ones find no safe harbor in their friendship with us anymore. This is arduous for me even though I fathom it. We are no longer mentally in step with the rest of the world.

I have many times over the last 4 oldness wondered if I was losing my mind. When I look at those I know who are living strictly 3D lives, seemingly unaffected by the changes I am experiencing, I wonder which of us is sane and which isn’ t. As the earth continues to separate into two different worlds, one being 3D and the other on the upward spiral to 5D, the idea of differing realities becomes very real to us. I look at my 3D companions and wonder how in the world they can continue to live their lives uninformed to the changes taking place around them. To say they are asleep is an understatement. And though this understanding helps my state of mind, it most certainly does not bring relief and comfort to my heart. I feel the separation sharply.

I hurt from the knowledge that we have less and less in common, less and less to say to one bounteous. We are drifting apart like two ships passing in the night and there is crumb that I am avid to do about it. For to do something about it would be to either let go of my present path and return to a total 3D life that would concession me emotionally and spiritually dead, or try to convince them to awaken and set up the spiritual path so that we can have something in common that is of leisure activity to us both— something that makes both our hearts chorus. As you can mind, neither is a worthwhile preference. The first one hurts me and the second one hurts them and go at the universal law of free will.

So they tell me I’ m unzipped and need to check into a mental hospital. I incite myself by telling myself that one day, when the things I posit instigate to happen on a prevalent scale, they will come around. And until that time comes, I must let go of my desire to be accepted by them.

But sometimes they put forth some pleasing convincing arguments, so convincing in reality that I find myself giving myself fresh good decrepit - fashioned reality check. I ask myself why I am doing this, why I am avid to influence on to zip in aligning to attain a goal that I have no guarantee that I will distance, or that when and if I do, it will be all that I was told it would be.

I run through the facts in my head that I have accumulated for just such an case. I treasure that I was told that it would not always be easy— that the path is limited, rocky and full of pitfalls. But I also recollect those days when I have just come through likewise lesson and feel that happy state of peace, or the prosperity that suddenly arrives unannounced but oh so welcome, or the synchronicities that bring some new soul mate and companion to my doorstep. Just a few of those memories and I am once again able to identify and feel that this path, this goal is worth it, and I pull myself together and extend on.

Memory Loss is wider one of the challenges we face on the ascension path. Though not caused by the choice to ascend, it nevertheless remains a great obstruction. Our planet is ascending and as part of that process the elephantine vital grid tends to waver as the solar flares from the sun inquire it.

Our memory is in control to this grid and with each waver, our memory glitches. These glitches can be large or small, but in either situation they can create fuss between people. As the profit of memory glitching increases, the emotional imbalance this creates can wreak destruction in our relationships.

I have come to the point post I am pleased if I can mind what happened yesterday. I pass over appointments, dates, numbers, agreements with my continue; it’ s a real pain in the halfwit some days. Canny it is part of monstrous ascension is my one consolation.

On the positive side, as we keep at to build the energy in our personal consciousness grids ( our Light Body or Mer Ka Ba ) through achieving increased and numerous levels of multidimensionality, our memory will become less and less dependent on the magnificent grid.

Known Pitfalls

To me the foremost danger of ascension and becoming multidimensional is the communication cavity with those remaining asleep in 3D. I can look someone in the eye while language to them and when it is time for them to conjecture it is as though they never heard me. I have generally had the touch of being recondite to others. It’ s like they don’ t identify me anymore. I talk to them, but they don’ t peep me. Very disconcerting! It triggers my feelings of opposite and privilege. I theory this is good considering it gives me the time to clear this puzzle, but it hurts all the same.

The other attribute of this communication matter is that sometimes when I am in a conversation with someone, they don’ t know what I am reading. This many times leads to arguments and hurt feelings. And it isn’ t just with 3D people; it is also with those who are on the ascension path too. Jonathan and I go through this a lot. Sometimes I am the one who is not able to make sense. My words don’ t photograph my thoughts. They call come out in a jumble of disconcerted sentences. Very frustrating!

With the oversize frequency rising and the resulting dimensional separation, it makes it harder to communicate with anyone. Perhaps it is also contributing to the rise in crime and emotional / mental imbalance we are seeing all around us and on TV.

Other hazard is jar if you are being mind - controlled by the other dimensional beings who are assisting you or those who are your current 3D teachers on the ascension path. The thing is, most techniques and tools used in ascension can also be used to mind juice. What can free us can also crush us. Discernment is critical, but it can make you maniacal if you don’ t know how to use it. I have found that the way to know which reality is real, whether someone is attempting to mind authority me, and what the true intentions are of any teacher, 3D or other, is to ask my Soul to either confirm or deny the information and to tell me why. This tool is one of the Keys of Compassion and it has kept me sane throughout this process. I will be writing more on the subject of mind sway in an upcoming article.

Emotional Stability


I have found that even though I am getting hit with issues halfway on a daily basis right now, I am more emotionally stable than I was a hour ago. I can thank the higher dimensional tools and understanding for that. Being able to look at the pain that pervades our world, reflex it and having the tools to keep from getting intent up in it so that I experience secondhand victimization, is a real blessing. Just whim I used them more ofttimes. I am still triggered by child abuse. I have somewhere to stretch the point in using the tools longitude I can ticker the movie Schindler’ s List.


Ascension takes a heavy levy on our emotions since it necessitates the purging and balancing of both upper and lower chakras. As we bring up fears to be exhaustive from past and present lives, we experience the usually times indubitable terror of those fears and this wreaks havoc on our emotions as well as our minds and bodies. I have experienced living 24 / 7 with fears so great that I want to commit suicide just to escape their intense feelings. They lock up my bowels and make my body hurt wherever the fears are stored. After living with a fear day after day, I find myself emotionally, mentally and physically fatigued until I can use the higher dimensional tools liable to me, enough to get the fear and integrate it. Until my inner child has experienced that fear with me long enough to notice that it will not be destroyed by it, she will not release that pain’ s trigger point from my body.

Sometimes I don’ t get it directly enough or the fear is so intense and exciting that I go emotionally numb through depression. Depression becomes a way to escape from the pain whereas it numbs me emotionally and physically. It’ s like hiding in the deepest recesses of a cavity and going to sleep. Obviously when this happens, it will take longer to integrate the fear and complete the lesson around the fear because I must be keen to eventually freedom the grotto to do so.

Picturesque Dreams… which reality is real? Strong dreaming, though exciting can be a real emotional challenge since we sometimes experience dreams so real that we don’ t know which reality is which. We sometimes have empty through from our multidimensional selves in other realities and the emotions from this can be impressive and cause us to become gone up in that other world and unable to function in our own.

Known Pitfalls

The most convincing danger that I have found on my ascension path is using higher consciousness thinking to avoid sententious anger and sensation pain. The tool that I use the most for ascension is The Formula of Compassion, but it is a double - edged knife. My Specification / Inner Child has generally tripped me up while using this process. Conversant my intent is the key. Sometimes I think I know my intent just to find out succeeding, through my body most repeatedly, that what I cogitation was my intent was not my intent at all. When this happens, the compassion I acquire is only intellectual compassion, not heart - centered compassion, hence I do not get a real frequency boost for my ascension process. It is like empty calories.

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