Next I will bull's eye on Cell Food. What types of food serve your cells and what foods clog up your cells and cost your body energy to correct? Are supplements sympathetic? Why is juicing so important and how do I know which juicer to get?
To start with, I’ d like to define what “ cell food” is in its simplest form. Cell food = Raw Food! This is the food that nature provides in as close to its’ natural state as possible. Essentially this is raw fruits, raw vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. Let’ s look at an excuse of the tremendous difference between raw food and cooked or filtered food.
Imagine bringing into your home a bunch of carrots, complete with the verdurous tops, just like they come from the garden. Take one carrot and cut the burgeoning top off. Then cut the top 3” off of the carrot and put it on the window ledge in a glass of water. What will happen to the carrot? If you verbal it would generate to sprout and grow new life you are correct. Congratulations!
Now, what would happen if you just unlike one thing in the process? Instead of putting the carrot in the water in its’ raw state, you would do one of the following: sinew it, boil it, bake it, fry it, microwave it or broil it. Now place it in the glass of water in the window. What would happen in this situation? Of course, it would sit there and ludicrousness! Why? In the first situation the carrot was raw and all the life factors were present ( vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids / proteins, fatty acids, phytonutrients, etc. ) so it was able to generate new life thanks to it was alive. In the second position there was no life estranged after it was cooked in any of the variation of ways chosen. You killed it!
The main thing that was destroyed was the enzymes. Without enzymes nihility happens. Enzymes are the life of the food. Enzymes produce to be destroyed at a temperature of 106 degrees and are totally destroyed ( inactivated ) at a temperature of 118 to 122 degrees ( depending on the source ). These enzymes will no longer promote life - giving functions when taken into the body. How arduous would it be to build a vital, animated, healthy body from dead and devitalized ( cooked ) foods? Impossible! Try to build a million dollar pigpen from filth corral scraps and recognize what you get. You can’ t build a million dollar body with refuse food scraps either. When you eat principally cooked and purified and waste foods your body cannot perform its’ life sustaining functions and they utterly add to the body’ s toxic clog. This leaves you with a weak immune system and in a more debilitated state, since, more susceptible to disease. {Initially just some pinging and knocking, succeeding on the more grim consequences}
The human body is a living formation made up of over 75 trillion cells that are constantly in the process of dying off and being replaced with new cells. These living cells depend upon proper fuels and building materials in neatness to function optimally and reproduce themselves accurately. Even a slight alteration of the natural fuels and raw materials, which your cells need to be nourished, can lead to disease, and eventually, premature dying.
When we give our body the pure, nutrient dense, high quality, toxin - free food and drink it needs, its energy and vitality can then be focused on detoxification, healing and re - balancing your physiology and biochemistry so true healing can take place. I know it sounds entirely amazing, but when conditions for healing are created, your too much self - healing body has the ability to prevent, and even reverse, virtually any disease process. This has been proven thousands of times with material from cancer to diabetes, from arthritis to heart disease, from fibromyalgia to allergies.
I am, in truth, a circumstances in point. My diet was beastly for the first 25 elderliness of my life. I ate virtually no fruits or vegetables and, as a eventuality, I was chronically constipated. Every trip to the bathroom was a 30 to 45 minute inspection, many times with little to no results. In my overdue 20’ s I began seeing blood in my utter. This went on for senescence and expanded to worsen. The stress of returning to imbue ( working full time while taking a full time pre - medical and Chiropractic curriculum ) after being out of high teach over 13 caducity, and then working to build a new practice after graduation from Chiropractic College, not only increased the depressed, but I also began to peek a lot of mucus in my talk as well. The chronic constipation eventually high into explosive diarrhea. I was misdiagnosed with a yeast infection by a “ holistic medical doctor” who prescribed Nystatin. I sat at home unable to do figure until I was so bad off my wife yet took me to the function room. I spent seven days in the hospital with fluids and electrolytes being replaced via an intravenous line. I had been so out of it I didn’ t understand how bad off I was.

In reality, I was at death’ s door. I wouldn’ t have lasted long without getting to the hospital.
They did a colonoscopy and a biopsy. They then diagnosed me with Ulcerative Colitis ( sad ulcers in the colon ). Medically speaking, this is an incurable disease for which a lifetime sentence of taking prescription drugs is the only answer. Since I was so far gone by the time I was diagnosed, I felt forced to take the medications to save my life. They prescribe Prednisone, a very vile drug with a long register of side effects, to get the inflammation under juice. Then I was put on maintenance drugs like Azulfadine, Dipentum, and Asacol. The problems would always return when I went on these maintenance drugs. In consummation, after more than a stage of going the medical range, I chose to get severe about making the dietary and lifestyle changes I’ d been researching for the last 15 senility. The crop was that the Ulcerative Colitis was gone in only two months! I had a couple of luminosity ups in the next few caducity when under indeed increased stresses of some kindly, but I have been able to resolve these through dietary measures. It has now been approximately 17 caducity since I have been to a medical doctor or taken any drugs, prescription or over the counter. To state this in numerous way, I have not had even an aspirin in the last 17 age! The incurable disease was cured by just changing my diet, the fuel I gave my body to operate on!
Some will think that this is foolish. It can’ t be that easy. With all the “ best minds” in medicine and research telling us that all these hundreds of diseases are incurable and that only their medicines and surgeries are able to help us and there is nought too many that we could do without their help. In gospel, we are told that we are fools if we choose any approach other than theirs. We are told with swaggering certainty that the very things that will do the most to help us heal or prevent disease will not have any affect on us at all. My goal is to help as many people as possible learn that, not only are there other options available, but these options are wide more effective, will help more problems and have little to no side effects. Why is this so hard to affirm? Again, it seems too simple, especially to the medical mind. Food is too simple a concept for disease prevention and healing for those who rely so much on the scientific method. Truth, however, is always simple. Even the most multifarious processes can be boiled down to simple proficiency. The point is that there are some basic laws of biochemistry and physiology that work for us when we seize them and work with them, but work against us when we don’ t. For instance, consequence is a great force for keeping our homes, our cars, even ourselves on planet earth. This same bearing can work against us if we step off the top of a 50 foot gangling building. Relevance works whether you buy in it or not, just like the laws that govern the functioning of our body.
The wellness community deals mainly with working with the healing powers of the body, thanks to medical treatment, while many times completely spunky in life and death situations, only works against the body’ s own healing powers. All medicines have “ side effects” and none have any body healing or repair properties. No drug has any nutritive value. No drug was ever intended by our Creator to have any place in the body of a human being. Albert Einstein was quoted as stating, “ You can’ t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it in the first place”. This means we need a new paradigm to seize why we have some of the worst health statistics in a country station we spend more on medical care, have the best trained medical personnel, the best medical technology, and the best access to whatever we want. Does this make sense to you? It doesn’ t to me either.
So what can we do? We can learn to take liability for our own health. Get back to the basics of health light; eat at leading 85 % raw ( live ) fruits and vegetables and some raw nuts and seeds, drink freshly extracted vegetable juices and clean water and breathe clean air, engage in regular and due exercise, have a positive angle, be spiritually connected, keep your home and work environments as free of toxic chemicals as possible, read all you can to learn about and increase this new direction, get your spine and nerve system evaluated to be clear-cut that your body is functioning at its pinnacle and that your immune system is at its best, and someday, find a good health coach to help encourage you and guide you in your aim for abundant health. And recollect, there are no real shortcuts. There are only detours that will lead you from your goal with false promises. Plainly follow the basics of generating health and health will follow – you reap what you strew. Start sowing wisely.
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