Any man who is outright is known with the cheesy, sticky, white or sallow substance that tends to build up unbefitting the prepuce. This pasty, much smelly substance - known commonly as smegma - - is usually regarded as unpleasant and muddy. On the other hand, smegma does, in detail, play an important role in male organ health, so it is worth learning more about it and understanding its target before dismissing it as a source of disgust and spot.
What is smegma, exactly?
The lining of the sheath secretes a mucousy substance that serves as a lubricant; it is analogous to the lamentation that lubricate the eyes and prevent the eyelids from sticking to their surface. In the same practice, this mucousy liquor allows the sheath and head to slide over each other and protects the head from irritation. As the prepuce and head rub together, dead skin cells are shed; and as of the presence of the sheath, they do not fall away, but instead combine with the mucous - as well as sweat and other body fluids - to form the compound that is known as smegma.
In venom of its image as spot, smegma is largely inoffensive; in truth, it has antiviral properties that can help to protect the male tissue. In infants, it is especially important, as it forms a barrier that shields the delicate head from the harmful effects of urine. On the other hand, while it serves a beneficial principle, smegma can also cause problems if it is allowed to build up beneath the sheath; for, adequate hygiene measures are needed to prevent these from occurring.
Potential problems caused by smegma build - up
Over time, smegma build - up can cause a change of problems:
1 ) When smegma becomes thick, dry and waxy, it can quite cause the sheath to stick to the head, quite than allowing them to slide over each other naturally. When the sheath cannot be retracted over the head - a aspect known as phimosis - men may experience discomfort or even pain during proof.
2 ) Trapped smegma also provides a shrine for bacteria. When these microorganisms take up residence under the sheath, their presence can trigger an immune system response, leading to swelling of the sheath, pain, infrared and even a smelly discharge.

This nature is known as balanitis, and it is guilty for about 1 in 10 visits to reproductive clinics or urologists by men.
3 ) While less draggy than phimosis or balanitis, built - up smegma can cause a distinctive, foul odor that can be a considerable source of bind. Removing the smegma often can reduce this unpleasant, fishy smell.
On the other hand, it is important to point out that the sebaceous glands that produce the mucousy oil thoroughly produce a fishy odor on their own. This smell can be stinging by the hormones that are released during intimacy; many men statement that they civility a strong, fishy odor nowadays after partner play or self - pleasuring. This is not related to smegma, and it is not easily washed away.
In adjunct to these problems, there is a common notion that the presence of smegma can cause cancer. Researchers have, in fact, discovered a link between smegma and manhood cancer; however, it is believed that the smegma itself does not cause cancer. Somewhat, it is the dander that occurs when the property under the sheath is not cleaned carefully that is decision-making for the cellular changes that can lead to cancerous tumors.
Proper care for the male organ
In assortment to prevent problems that can eventuate when smegma is allowed to accumulate under the sheath, proper hygiene measures are necessary. First, the male organ should be washed in tepid water every day. The sheath should be gently retracted ( never forced ) to expose the head, and any smegma that is present should be wiped away with the finger tips. The use of very hot water, or of strong soaps or shower gels, is not recommended, because these can deplete the body of its natural lubricating oils; the detergents in ordinary soaps can cause irritation. After washing, the skin should be dried carefully and the sheath rolled back into place.
Some men choose to use deodorants or fragrances to deal with odors. However, this is not a good thought, as again, the chemicals in these products can cause irritation. On the other hand, use of a good male organ health cream ( health professionals speak for Man1 Man Oil ) that contains vitamin A - a natural antibacterial ingredient - can help to regulation odors as well as liquefy and strengthen the skin. A product like this can be worthwhile daily to improve overall male organ health.
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