Saturday, September 19, 2015

11 Steps To Heal An Over Acidic Body!

“ True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is infrequently known until it is lost”. - - Charles Caleb Colton

There is only one disease. “ All ailment and diseases are an expression of over - acidity” ( Robert O. Young Ph. D., D. Sc. ).

We were born with a body in perfect balance. The normal state is to have a healthy and energetic body, a clear mind and to feel happy.

The body is amazing in its ability to constantly work towards restoring a state of unrivaled health as long as we give it the right fuel. Just project what would happen if you filled the petrol thank on your car with bad petrol - I hazard it would not work for long. It is the same with our body, if we fuel it with the unsound fuel it will not work - in the worst cases it will stop.

Today the natural state for most people is an over acidic body and a impecunious longevity and life quality.

The average western diet is a guarantee for an over acidic body. The alkalizing foods are better for your health and help to balance the pH of your body. The problem is, on a whole, the average western diet is acid - forcible. And when acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down. Over acidification interferes with life itself leading to all indisposition and disease! Eating the proper foods and getting the best nutrients in perfect balance will strongly improve your health and life quality.

An Alkaline Diet Is Crucial For Your Health. The human body is slightly alkaline and a diet mellow of alkalizing foods is necessary to keep this balance ( pH balance ). The ideal diet is 80 % alkaline and 20 % acidic. When we eat too many acidic foods our system becomes unbalanced. This leads to problems like weight gain, poor concentration, tiredness and depressed immunity, lack of energy and also more resolved conditions as cancer. Regardless of how much you work out and try to eat right, if you are not able to balance the acids in your body you will have health problems.

Alkalize and energize your acidic body following these 11 steps: 1.

Eat whole natural and organic unprocessed foods.

2. Eat lots of organic raw vegetables.

3. Use maturing superfood supplements that rib organs and organ systems.

4. Drink water with pH of at head 9. 5.

5. xercise daily, buzz at elementary 10 minutes every day.

6. Reduce your intake of high smooch fruit drinks and alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea ( with caffeine ), sodas, sport drinks and acidic water.

7. Stop smoking and using tobacco products and other “ drugs”.

8. Skipping or reduce your intake of unprepossessing protein, including eggs.

9. Leapfrog or reduce your intake of dairy products, including milk, cheese, ice blessing, favor, etc.

10. Hop or reduce your intake of starchy foods like potatoes, pastas, breads, pastries, etc.

11. Capriole all sugary or distilled foods or fast foods.

Fruits are expressed to be quite acidic and should be truncated to a part of the 20 % that makes up the rest of the alkadiet, 80 % being vegetables.

Check register – acidic body symptoms:

* Bloating

* Coated tongue

* Headaches

* Constipation

* Diarrhea

* Panic attacks

* Unexplained enervate

* Acne

* Premenstrual tension

* Fatigue

* Muscular pains

* Hyperactivity

* Strong smelling urine

* Metallic taste in entrance

* Heartburn

* Sensitivities to chemicals

* Dizziness

* Low sex drive

* Cold hands and feet

* Joint pains that travel

* Mucous in head and chestHealth or disease? For most people this means severe changes in the diet. We are all free to make a choice – it is all a matter of priority. Relive, you don’ t need to change situation at once, take one step at a time. And a few changes are better than none.

You will find more tips by going here: " 12 Tips on Healthy Living – How to Live a Natural and Healthy Lifestyle "

“ In management to change we must be sick and enervated of being sick and tired”. ~Author Unknown

Happy Natural Life! Kristin

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