Sunday, October 25, 2015

Qi Gong: Activating The Kidneys, Water Element

This qi gong can help to relieve lower back pain, strengthen the kidneys and reproductive organs, and help to release the sentiment of fear and build will.

Start this qi gong clambake in either a sitting or standing position.

Place hands on the lower back with palms facing the lower back.

Step One: Gently massage the hands side to side over the lower back, warming the back.

If you cannot extent your lower back, rub the innards about 1 - 2 inches below the belly button. In this way, you massage a critical acupressure point for activating the lower dan tien in the lower intestines, which stimulates the kidneys.

Step Two: As you massage, concede yourself to visualize a soothing ocean indicate flowing over your hands as you perform this self massage.

Envisage that flow of water washing away any fears, tensions, pain or self-reproach in mind and body.

Avow arms to relax at your sides.

Step Three: Gently mindtrip your body to the left side. Excrete as you notion. Inhale as you return to nerve center. Gently stance your body to the right side. Ooze as you opinion. Inhale as you return to nerve center. Do this four more times on each side.

Extremity with inhaling painfully and raising hand up to the ceiling as if scooping a large ball or balloon major your head. Issue as you descend the arms until they are resting naturally at your sides. Repeat two more times.

Place palm over palm facing entering about an inch or two below your belly button. Visualize storing energy in the lower stomach and flooding and stuffing the apart and right kidneys.

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