Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Using Subtle Body Energy to Lift Your Day

Would you like to be able to easily fit more healthy practices into your day? Would you like to use practices which make your body feel better and ‘ lift your spirits’? You can do this with your own subtle energy. Your energy is more subtle than your physical energy. You use some form of subtle energy constantly. You may be less aware of its effects and how potent it is for your immediate and long term health and life quality.

When you increase the use of your subtle energy you are healthier and stronger. When you do not use it oftentimes or well your energy is weaker.

Extending our natural subtle energy ability provides us with more information about our health and our life, what assists our growth and energy on all levels and when this is being depleted

Working with many people ( and myself ) to retain and regain health I have found much truth in the ancient simple subtle energy practices used every day, to be the ones which make us feel better and be healthier.

Do these practices as a natural part of each day your energy will improve and build on itself for the long term gains. e. g. It is like driving a car. If you only drive it once a spell, you constantly have to re - orient yourself to the driving, weather, traffic changes and so on. If you drive twice a bout your driving becomes smooth and relaxed. When you drive five or more days a eternity you find you are familiar with traffic flow, when to deed into increased pathway for flow, and are less haggard by heavy traffic, poor weather driving conditions and impatient drivers.

Examples of subtle energy that affect your life energy are: love, compassion, intent, breath, discerning, passion, intuition, flush, sound, meditation and prayer. All increase your vital life force through your cells, tissues, organs, and fluids. Weave these, with intent and nerve center, into your daily life is fun and gives you instant feedback.

Your use of subtle energy can have a profound consequence on your life and opportunities.

Using subtle energy we can and need to improve the capacity of our physical body to be healthy and cope with the increased amount of technology resolved electro - magnetic energy in our life. The current attention on ‘ clean’ environment and ensuring food and water intake is the best we can have, in insufficient unless we also spring to the capacity of our physical body to tailor to the different subtle energy frequencies coming from facade ourselves.

A huge advantage of subtle energy is you can use it to increase your creativity to enhance all areas of your life through the spiritual into the mind and body.

Through your own practices you teach and encourage your body to re - learn how to rally its energy for rhythm and flow ( harmony ), your immune system to defend and prevent stress.


To activate the subtle energy that underpins all the practices do Harmony breathing; using your intestines. This is the ancient practice of using the belly as the spotlight for your breathing. Our first way of breathing is this way. As you breathe gently in through your nose you push out your belly slightly and relax your anal passage. As you eject through either the ingress or the nose, you gently draw inwards your tummy and your anal passage upwards, which creates a pump like process up the spine ( this is subtle energy and won’ t be noticed ).

Harmony breathing is like when you blow air into a balloon and then release the air out to deflate the balloon. It is most effective when the issue is longer than the inhale as it releases more stale air from the lower part of the lungs. As more stale air is exhaled the lungs have more space to fill with oxygen and increase their ability to push what is needed for the bloodstream, muscles, and other areas of the body.

It is most important when you use this method to breathe is that you take natural ( small ) inhales and the long exhales to release more of the stale air from the bottom of your lungs. The breathing will become stronger. If any light - headedness or dizziness is experienced it is from breathing in too hard and too long as well as trying too hard, which brings the breath up into the top of the chest.

Harmony breathing takes the body back into its natural rhythm and energy flow.

You may find this way of breathing is the opposite of your usual breathing motif. For many reasons most people use reversed breathing all the time. This brings and keeps emotions from placatory ergo more stress is experience. The best time to use reverse breathing is when your want to do something face your body such as in an mistake spot when something uncommonly heavy needs to be lifted or you need a burst of speed, or in martial arts. Also, when you fracas you use reversed breathing. And when you laugh you use abdomen ( belly ) breathing.

Hard by are some examples of practices which will give you energy, measure you to regain and corner energy throughout the day. Like the Harmony breathing, these practices lift our endorphins, our body’ s natural pain killers, plus it uplifts our spirit as our energy frequencies and range increases.

Original the Day

This involves awakening the dialectics and moving your energy.

Awakening Your Brain

1. When you first wake, before moving, give gratitude for being yourself all that is your life.

2. Next do Belly Amour.

Females place the apart compensation on their navel with the right assistance palm over the back of the bummed out backing. Gently massage the abdominal latitude in circles moving from small circles outwards from the navel to the facade of the abdomen. Cause going anticlockwise and complete 36 circles ( moving to the right side first which would be the 9 on the witness face ). Then reverse the circles from the facade back to the navel – taking 24 circles. Males do the same numeral of circles with the right compensation down first, qt by the destitute cooperation and moving the circles in a clockwise directive ( to the friendless which is the 3 on the note face ).

The Intestines Like alerts the body, via the meridians, nervous system, and fluid, that it is time to variation from a apt bias into trip. This ‘ sets up’ your body flowing with positive energy to start the day. When toweling your body after shower or bath, use loving touch and tell it via thoughts or voice, how much you appreciate ALL of it

3. 10 second ‘ relaxer’ – set your intent in your mind “ I will relax”. Then breathe in gently and as you breathe out slowly think “ I - am - re - laxed”. Do 3x = 30seconds, 6x= 1 minute.

4. Think of 1 or more positive qualities you would like to use this day. e. g. placid.

Check how you feel, then as you breathe in think the word ‘ calm’, and as you breathe out think of toxins being released. Do this for 6 breaths for each quality, using only a total of 3 qualities at any one time. Attention how you feel when you complete this exercise.

5. Rocking. Breathe in as you rock up on to your toes, slowly lifting you arms up to shoulder height with palms facing upwards.

Then breath out blowing the air from your jaws, as your arms flow down to slightly elapsed the side of your body as you lift your toes up and go back on to your heels. Do with 5 to 10 rocks then increase gradually each day. It won’ t be long before 30, even up to 100 are easy to do and refreshing. This exercise increases your energy, flow of blood and lymphatic and other fluids, and builds up physical strength.

Do a mini yarn of the rocking with hands and arms moving slightly forward and back matching the parallel movement of your feet, whenever you are waiting and when you are in a queue such as at the supermarket checkout, the post office, bank, or other areas.

6. Every half hour stretch your whole body as you breathe in and then breathe out with a resonant sigh. Releases stress and stale air.

7. As you enter your home, with your mind put all of your problems into a hamper at the door with the deliberation you will pick them up the next morning.

When you check the next morning you will likely find the previously full hamper halfway empty. And you will have had a good night’ s sleep.

Refresh memory to Breathe. Take a small inhale and relax with a long secrete. Look back to do this oftentimes. Check yourself frequently to make conclusive you are breathing intensely into your belly and your shoulders are relaxed.

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