Friday, April 3, 2015

How To Flirt With A Girl

Hi, this is Kingpin Cortez, creator of the Mack Tactics dating system for men.

I want to share with you some tips on how to flirt with women that have worked really well for me.

In my book Mack Tactics I clear up how human nature is the deciding factor in the way men and

women relate to each other. Every time we converse with a girl, there is so much going on below the surface... signals and messages flying back and forth that we aren ' t consciously aware of.

Hump the Unsatisfactory signals, and women are going to be instinctively rancid off... no matter how

sharp you look, or how clever you are with conversation.

Ferry the RIGHT signals, and the women are going to feel an undeniable ATTRACTION towards you.

Here are some quick tips on how to flirt with a girl, that are based on human nature:

* When you engage a woman in conversation, be aware of how you angle your body. Men cherish to talk to each other at angles to avoid confrontation. Women face each other head - on and maintain eye contact. You should engage them the same way.

* Handshakes are very important. Repeatedly, this is your first shot at " keno " ( establishing physical contact. ) Our hands are filled with tactile nerves. If your handshake is loose and feels damp, you ' re signaling that you are anxious, and this will naturally hoist HER stress levels.

Give her hand a firm, but not bone - crushing, grasp. Fee attention to her grip also.

I ' ve found that women who give firmer handshakes encourage to be more adventurous. This must come from the gospel that they ' re more wealthy socially, and confident in themselves.

* As the conversation develops, use body contact to build the sense of connection and generate glow. Subtly touch her knee as you tell a story. Put your hand on hers for a brief moment, as you both laugh at a joke.

( Her inner forearm is a GREAT spot to use a flirting touch, since this territory of her body is rich with nerves. ) But don ' t look at your hand as you touch her. Just do it, as if it ' s a completely natural gesticulate.

* Women are attracted to aggrandized - singular men. This suggests high testosterone levels, which is a sign of strength and reproductive ability. If you don ' t have a naturally submarine voice, lower your tone slightly when you engage her in conversation.

Speaking slower also helps when you are flirting with a girl. A abyssal voice, combined with eye contact, can have a hypnotic ( and extremely attractive ) eventuality.

Also, talk at the same tread she does. This enhances the sense that the two of your are connecting and bonding.

Watch an jeopardous guy flirt with girls, and he ' ll partly always speak at a faster combine than she does. ( This is very true with " humorous guys, " who try to use constant jokes as substitute for real conversation. )

* Mirror her body language. Couples who are attracted to each other cherish to subconsciously " mirror " each other. By mirroring her, you are again building the sense that you are connecting on a farther level.

* DON ' T fidget. This sends the message that you are nervous, and will trigger the release of stress chemicals in her brain. When you are low-key and relaxed, you encourage her to go with your flow. You don ' t need to use a lot of flirting body language. Just be relaxed and independent, and smile and maintain eye contact.

* When women sense that a bond is developing, her brain will release dopamine, a temper booster. Create this bond by getting her to talk about herself and her interests and passions, and indicate your pastime with nods and short phrases

( " Oh my Almighty, that ' s so true. " " Hmm, that ' s really magnetic. " " Go on, tell me more. " " I completely concur. " " I feel the same way " ).

( There are going to be times when you ' ll want to badger her or " neg " her, to build sexual tension, and I interpret how to do this CORRECTLY in the Mack Tactics program... but when she ' s conversation about things that matter to her, you always want to okay to roll out compatibility. )

* Next tip when you are flirting with girls: know that women are instinctively listening for signs of your convivial station and / or wealth.

Women are jittery to go after men who can arrange them and ration for a family. So while it ' s important to make out these capabilities, you should keep any references to your pecuniary or personal success obscure.

When you flirt with women it ' s better to make her expectant, and branch out a sense of secret around yourself. Instead of answering her today when she asks what you do for a living, be indefinite. ( " Let ' s just say I ' m very good at what I do, and to me it ' s a passion, not a job. " )

With your companionable stratum, it ' s also better to slip in amphibological references. ( We all rancor " name droppers. " ) Channel the message that you ' re a popular, estimable person, but don ' t be accessible about it.

When you flirt with girls, speaking about your male buddies isn ' t attractive or striking. Instead, mention your FEMALE FRIENDS to establish that you have a strong social network. ( Every guy has male friends. Macks also have a network of frigid, fun female friends. )

You can create quick stories when you flirt with women that are loaded with signs of social level, without ever sounding Perceptible, or like you ' re " trying too hard. "

For pattern, tell her: " This morning was unzipped. My blocker Lisa was out of dwelling on a modeling shoot and I was supposed to pick her up at the airport, but there was an advent on the freeway and the traffic was backed up for miles. Fortunately her plane got overdue so I got there on time. "

( The message: you ' ve got a companion who is a female model.,

" Oh, so you like Indian food? I found the best Indian restaurant, I took my schoolmate Jennifer there a few nights ago to celebrate her job promotion. "

( You ' ve got a female blocker who is difficult and successful, and you generously took her to tea. )

You get the idea. A quick " mention " of your female friends when you flirt with girls sends a powerful message to the woman you ' re speaking to: you ' re popular among other females, which means you must have VALUE. If the girl you ' re language to is digging you, this is also going to stir up an instinctual sensuality of jealousy... and a long to WIN you away from the competition.

Relive, YOU are the prize. Now go out there and start stagecraft like it!

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