Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Influenced by Evil Spirits: 6 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Have you ever felt inexplicably boiling, melancholy, exhausted, or unrelated not yourself? Ever experienced a dramatic personality change while under the influence of alcohol? It’ s possible that those feelings weren’ t you, but the affect of unlit or other - dimensional energy.

Based upon our pragmatic research, we accept it’ s possible for lost souls, designated as those which have not ultimately gone to the Light after their physical bodies have died, to intrude in your everyday affairs, even to the point of dramatically influencing your behavior.

These clandestine influences range from benign lost souls looking for a way out of their predicament, to outright malicious demons who long to harm you.

There exist many spiritual professionals today who approach different forms of depossessions, clearings, and cleansings. Unfortunately, since the origin of the taste or possession can be very miscellaneous and usually difficult to discover, and the process of removing the harmful energy can be time consuming, few practitioners are experienced enough to successfully shaft the tougher cases.

Regrettably, even if they take measures to protect themselves, some people are more susceptible to the influence of lost souls and attack by pitchy energy.

Below we inventory 6 common symptoms.

1. Express drug and, or alcohol abuse. What a better place to get a fix for an invisible, wandering soul than from an existing user. Suddenly drinking or craving alcohol more than you ofttimes do is a sign that you may have company.

If your friends are call you, “ What’ s gotten into you, why are you over - doing it so often? ”, perhaps something really has gotten into you and is driving you to abuse your body.

2. Unusual behavior from a young age. You may very well have picked up a wandering soul early in your life if you’ ve endured abuse, surgery, or bent on infection as a child, and it ( or they ) might still be with you.

3. Immoderately emotionally trying periods of your life. Extreme stress go down your spiritual defenses and opens you up to inscrutable energy.

4. Extreme, uncelebrated bouts of depression. If you can’ t render the source, it’ s possible you may be carrying a heavy, shrouded difficulty.

5. Impartiality voices in your foot, especially negative messages, could be a acquiesce that you have a spiritual hitchhiker with you or that you’ re hosting a fun with uninvited, covered guests. We reckon on it’ s possible for backbreaking, other - dimensional energies to secure ideas in your terminus in symmetry to work your behavior for their benefit. Spiritually hypersensitive people, or those firmly tuned into their intuition, frequently hear messages within from the other realms, but it can be problematic to keep themselves closed off to foreign, toxic energy.

6. Reading this information and having a strong, critical reaction to it. Guess what? If you have drab energy with you, they’ ll do contrivance to get you to ignore advice that would denouement in them being identified and escorted away. What you’ re excitation, although it may neatly be subconscious fear, could be the reaction of cryptic entities and since you’ re so used to it, you conclude it to be your own.

The good message is that it’ s very singular for even the darkest of other - dimensional energy to be able to cause you harm if you are aware of this phenomenon and take measures to protect yourself.

Scott Petullo

http: / / www. scottpetullo. com

Stephen Petullo

http: / / www. holisticmakeover. com

Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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