Sunday, June 28, 2015

What Could Be the Benefits of Training in Taekwondo for You?

After all why bother? Isn ' t it easier to sit on the sofa and ticker TV all evening?

We think you should bother since put neatly regular martial arts training will change your life. Forever.

Who are we? We are a regular family. Mum Maid, Dad Neil and Daughter Leah. We train together in taekwondo about 3 times a age. And we ' ve done this for the last 5 oldness. Our taekwondo journey has taken us from the UK to Australia and to South Korea. And we’ ve got fit and had fun along the way.

The benefits of taekwondo to us as a family have been profound. Physically, mentally and socially. Taekwondo training has helped us in ways we never could have mistaken at the outset.

For us the physical benefits of taekwondo training were discernible within a few months. Very quickly we were stronger and sophisticated than we had ever been.

' You all look well’ friends kept saying. ' Are you using new skin products? ' ' Have you lost weight? '

But we weren’ t just looking better. We were sensuality better.

Taekwondo training involves physical exercise. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Exercise makes our hearts and lungs more efficient. So we feel less fed up and have more energy. And we can cope more easily with the physical demands of day to day life. Moving around at work all day becomes a breeze. And weeding the garden is child’ s play.

As well as being more suitable, our bodies are also stronger. We have strengthened our muscles from top to toe. These strong muscles help to foundation our bodies. They help to retention us upright with good posture, keeping our spines in the right position. In taekwondo we leap and jump. These exercises strengthen our bones. This is great for ladies when the threat of osteoporosis looms.

Becoming more flexible through taekwondo stretching has more fitting our daily lives. Here ' s an stereotype of how. Neil like many men had short hamstrings. ( The hamstring is the muscle running down the back of the thigh ). The short hamstrings were pulling on Neil ' s pelvis. This in turn put pressure on Neil ' s spine. And the production was pain in his lower back. Most of the time. For second childhood. Then as part of his training Neil started stretching. And slowly but exactly his short hamstrings got longer. And as his hamstrings lanky. His back pain gradually went away. A huge relief!

So that’ s some of the physical benefits.

What about the mental side?

Stress relief is one of the huge benefits of taekwondo. Kicking a target or punching a bag is amazingly good for letting stress and tension out of your body. Certain it ' s hard work. And you can be exhausted after - wards. But you feel relaxed and calm.

Many sports are great for improving fitness and physical strength. But does your sport help you with building self - confidence?

Taekwondo does for us. From the very early days of training, we had to air up in layout of the fairness and settle a few moves. We felt unwell with nerves. But the nurturing environment of our classes allowed our self - confidence to build slowly but granted. Date by stint. Training date by training sit-in.

Fresh way we build self - confidence in martial arts is through facing our fears. In tkd we learn self - defence and sparring techniques. Then we practise them in confronting situations under controlled conditions. Learning to demeanor up and fight in a physically frightening stage is hugely empowering. And gives the self - confidence a great boost.

What about self - esteem? That momentary sense of self. One of the stupor benefits of tkd training is that we have come to like ourselves more. We feel well. We look well. We are well. And we’ re more positive about ourselves. And more positive to be around.

Then there’ s mental strength. Put neatly. Training in martial arts makes your mind stronger. When you push through the mental challenges of taekwondo. You get stronger. When you learn complicated taekwondo patterns. You keep your memory sharp. When you try new things. And fail. Then try again. And fail again. Then try again. And sometime get it. You learn the power of dispatch.

And the social side of martial arts? Of course taekwondo is not a team sport in the way football or netball are. And truly we’ ve found our training is very personal to ourselves. It ' s about what we can each achieve with the body and mind that we have been prone. But still. You can’ t learn taekwondo alone. You could chronometer DVDs and practise every day for oldness. And get technically great. But you wouldn ' t be a real matrimonial actor.

Why not?

Now part of the process is learning about team spirit. About gob others and being helped. Nurturing. Guiding. Encouraging. Achieving more with others - much, much more - than you can ever achieve alone.

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