Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How The BodyTalk System Is A Lot Like Chemical Engineering

I never cerebration that when I isolated my engineering job just 4 short dotage ago that I would edge

up using my degree more in the field of alternative / holistic / energy medicine than I did as

an request. That image still amazes me on a daily basis! I spent about 10 dotage in the specialty chemicals field working in supremacy systems and advanced process guidance ( APC )

before embarkation it in June of 2004. In fact, my last job in that industry was working on growth of several different chemical plants so that they would run more efficiently;

in side effect, use less raw materials and less energy to create a higher purity product with less side - products. That somewhere makes the bosses happy, and fills their pocket books ( not

mine ).

All along my path with BodyTalk I did always remark a general parallel between my engineering experience and BT, but it wasn’ t until I was reading Dr. Oschman’ s

“ Energy Medicine: The Practical Basis” that the light bulb went on over my head… One day about two age ago, I realized that partly all of the concepts, science, math and physics presented in his book were not new to me. I had modern studied them in university, or had beneficial them in the real - world chemical plant setting. The only difference there is that instead of vocabulary about a chemical plant with its pipes, pumps, reactors and instrumentation, Oschman was describing the bodymind multifarious and how it operates and heals itself.

In that a - ha moment, I realized that the body also has these same pipes, pumps, reactors and instrumentation; we just call them arteries and veins, heart and diaphragm, liver and

other organs, and the nervous system and five generalization. The bodymind miscellaneous even has a “ distributed subordination system”, or DCS in govern - speak, that more or less controls the entire functioning of the system… sound confidential? That would most certainly be the brain! And in the nervous system, the particular nerve fibers act just like tuning loops that go out to some sort of sensor ( temperature, pressure, level, etc.

), read the data, and then convey that information back to the oversight computer to be interpreted and used in

whatever way the dominion program for that system has been programmed ( by the engineers ) to do, or they convey a signal to turn on or off some function. This is very much what happens in the amygdalae and limbic brain with the fight / sprint response and

subconscious mind.

I could go on and I could probably even relate halfway any part of a chemical inculcate to some comparable function in the bodymind, but I think you get the point. One other major point that I want to lead up is that when I’ m talking about a chemical entrench or any essential process, the basic belief made there is that the system is “ closed”. Closed

systems do not interact with the environment and things like atmospheric temperature and disquiet are adjusted for as necessary in calculations, but repeatedly do not affect the

process to a stuffed enough nicety, so they are repeatedly ignored in placement to make the math easy. The bodymind mixed is not a “ closed” system… we interact with the world and environment around us physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. And on top of that we have consciousness and the posted mind as enhanced factor entirely. I will just point out here that the conventional medical model treats the bodymind as a closed system, which is just a small part of their problem.

So, as you can peep from this engineering perspective the human body is a bit like a chemical plant, but is a conscious bio - chemical plant far more knotty and amazing than what humans could ever design and build. I often say that I went from doing APC of chemical plants to APC of the human body and immune system, and that seems to make sense to many people I speak with. Of course this perspective and description I have

addicted really doesn’ t do legalization to the bodymind, so please summon up that this is still a limited view, as it is also taking a Cartesian - Newtonian look at the bodymind heterogeneous and not contemplation it as a whole like we do from the molecule physics realm. And that’ s amassed topic for some other time!

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