Monday, July 6, 2015

A Diet for Epstein Barr Virus ( Glandular Fever or Mononucleosis )

Did you know that the function of your immune system is closely related to what you eat? The right diet will supercharge your immune system and get you over Epstein Barr fast.

In the initial acute stage of any infection or indisposition when symptoms like fever, sore throat, swollen glands, mucous production and languour are common, it is best to eat lightly. Water fasting for a day or two under a doctor ' s dominion can help to speedily resolve any threat of infection, if undertaken at the first sign of symptoms. However it can be a little too raucous for the majority of Epstein Barr patients, especially if they are toxic.

The other preference to water fasting is a liquid - only diet of vegetable juices, broths, soups, herb teas, lemon drinks and pure water. I exalt to use a liquid - only diet with my patients, as it provides the body with adequate nutrition whilst resting the gastrointestinal tract so energy can be diverted into healing the body. Liquids you could try might combine miso variety, chicken broth, potassium broth and herb teas like fenugreek, punch, boneset and coltsfoot.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices based around lots of budding vegetables like celery, cucumber and spinach are very cleansing. You can add a small amount of carrot, parsnip or beet root to sweeten your juice, or add some relish or garlic to give it a warming follow up. I always popularize that you water down your juice ( about 50: 50 ) so it is not too strong.

When your appetite returns you should be on an immune - boosting diet to help you fully recover and keep further infections at bay. So what comprises an immune - boosting diet?

Firstly your immune - boosting diet should admit some good quality protein foods with each meal. These foods are essential for cell health and repair and to form a healthy immune system. Protein rich foods inject chicken, fish, lean red meat, cheese, eggs and whey powder. If you ' re vegetarian, go for alternatives like legumes, tofu and tempeh.

Breaking up your protein intake into 3 meals, ensures that your blood sugar levels stand stable and you maintain good energy throughout the day.

Every meal should also contain an abundance of fresh vegetables or fruit. These foods should make up the bulk of your diet - about 80 % is ideal. Fresh vegetables and fruit are very alkalising and will help cleanse toxins from your system. If you are having discontent eating lots of vegetables and fruit, then a freshly squeezed juice may be the easy deliver. You can also make up healthy vegetable soups or broths which are easy to get down if you still get a sore throat or poor appetite. Adding some anti - inflammatory foods like charm, turmeric, cayenne and more pineapple or pawpaw, will make your diet even more effective.

Make an essay to add some essential fats like those found in unbalanced, seeds, avocados and natural, cold - pressed oils into your diet. These will help boost your immunity and keep your cell membranes functioning well.

Most people need to reduce high carbohydrate foods like sugar, bread, cereals, biscuits, pasta and rice. These foods can trigger inflammation in your body, worsening inflammatory symptoms like a sore throat, muscle aches, weariness and liver inflammation. High carbohydrate foods can also cause your blood sugar to falter, setting out you overworked, grumpy and craving sugar. Sugars are particularly bad as they have been shown to suppress your white blood cell animation. These are the very cells you rely on to hunt down and rid the Epstein Barr virus from your body.

It goes without saying that you need to eliminate the other foods which drain your healing process like coffee, tea, alcohol and rarefied foods. These foods are devoid of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibre, offering empty calories and not much innumerable.

Following an immune - boosting diet is essential to strengthen your healing potential and help you in treating Epstein Barr. Start today - your body will thank you for it!

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