There’ s one 4 - word title that single - handedly builds self - esteem, creates confidence in your children and causes kids to have in themselves. Unfortunately, many parents don’ t say it enough. That interval is I ' M Gratified OF YOU. Here’ s why…
Kids are born with very high levels of theory in themselves, their abilities, and what they deserve to have or experience in life. As parents, we need to do whatever we can to make direct they ownership on to those positive beliefs.
Enriching children’ s natural self - esteem and confidence isn’ t strenuous to do, especially if you start early in their immaturity, but it certainly must be an intentional and consistent parenting practice so it becomes a part of their internal programming.
What happens with kids is that they hear outer language, largely from their parents or caretakers, during their Rule Term ( ages 0 - 7 ), and it then becomes their internal language. So whatever you as a parent say to your kids with your verbal language, or presentation them with your actions and body language, they’ ll give impulse saying it to themselves. In a short title of time, it can become their internal specification.
Ergo, whatever you want your kids to feel about themselves internally, you’ ve got to complement it to them externally. And one of the most powerful feelings a person can have, one that creates unlimited assent, confidence and self - sufficiency, is PRIDE.
In all my experiences within my own journey, as well as coaching people through internal transformations, pride is the most powerful force that drives human behavior.

Children who are genuinely gratifying of themselves don’ t need exterior acceptance from their peers. They will always want it, and probably eat up it. But they won’ t NEED it, which is a huge difference.
However, if they don’ t think their parents are splendid of them, they more than likely won’ t be dignified of themselves, and they are going to test that pride elsewhere. They’ ll constantly look into others’ opinions and go, which leaves them much more susceptible to self - defeating behaviors and habits such as protest, gist abuse, bullying, depression, eating disorders, suicide, and any of the numerous ways our children hurt themselves and each other every other day.
Pride is more important than love for a child’ s self - esteem. Let’ s face it – your children know you love them. After all, you’ re their parent. You’ re supposed to love them. They want to know if you LIKE them. Are you sublime of who they are as a person and who they’ re becoming, unconditionally?
Here’ s an empowered parenting jewel – before you go to bed every night, whisper in your sleeping child’ s ear that you are satisfying of him / her. The unconscious mind never sleeps and it believes whatever it hears over and over and over again.
I’ M Pleasing OF YOU. Say it early. Say it often. Say it turbulent. I challenge you to tell your kids at beginning 5 times a day how grand you are of them, and why. It’ s the absolute best thing in the world for their self image.
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