Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Being Present: Can Trapped Emotions Stop Someone From Being Present?

Ever since Eckhart Tolle’ s book ‘ The Power Of Now’ came out, being present has irked the self help industry. And even people who were not into self development came across this book.


And whether it is a teacher speaking about being present or whether they are speaking about how to make a cake, there is always going to be people’ s interpretations of what something means.

These interpretations can be accurate and match up to what is being communicated or they can be completely not precise and have annihilation to do with what is being communicated. The present moment is all there is and when one is not present then they are out of touch with the only moment that matters.

So although it is clear that being present is the ideal, it is not always easy to be present. At times, it can seem impossible and crumb more than a good notion.

And as it can be so strenuous it can finish in someone nullifying how they really feel or what they are thinking and all whereas they want to be present.


Being present then becomes a new name for denial and repressing how one totally feels. At first, this may seem like a great conception and one that may work for a short title of time.

Just like a new toy that a child receives from their caregivers; in the infancy their attention is pooped out and then shortly after, it is thrown away just like the rest of the toys. The Childs short attention span is still there and is not going anywhere; no matter how many toys are disposed.

And the same applies to emotions, feelings and thoughts. If they are denied and imperceivable up, it is unlikely to lead to one being present. They will just come back, but when they do, they may be even stronger.


The primary focus when it comes to self development and change is usually ones thoughts. And these are recurrently uttered to be the biggest challenge in one being present. So when the mind settles down, one can then experience a greater sense of peace and harmony within.

So from this point of view the mind is the only thing that matters and the body is thus irrelevant. But if one were to become aware of their thoughts, they would usually flash that they are void more than a consequence of how they are sensuality in their body.

The Body

Feelings and emotions are in the body and based on these, the mind responds thus. When these are unpleasant feelings and emotions, it is typical for the mind to become obsessed and to endlessly think about certain things. And these thoughts can be positive or negative.

This is a preventive mechanism that the mind uses to regulate pain and to make safe its own survival.

For if there was too much pain it could be intriguing and lead to demise.

So the minds thoughts are a way to in order substance down and to avoid the pain that is coming up from the body.

The Present Moment

It may sound like the right thing to do to let go off ones thoughts, but these thoughts are oftentimes only appearing as a outcome of what is going on in the body. When the body is at a place of peace, the mind is likely follow suit.

And due to the pain that can build up in the body, it can cause someone to blink their body and to live in their extreme. This is done considering it can feel safer than living in a body that is full of pain.

A lot of focus has been placed on thoughts over the oldness and this has resulted in the body’ s power being companionless. And presently the body is setting ones power really is and locale the answers are found.

Trapped Emotions

So if one lives in their neb due to what has built up in their body, there is unfolding to be a lot of trapped emotions and feelings. When the body is at peace, the mind can relax. But when the body is in pain, the mind is going to foot up thinking quite.

These can be emotions and feelings that have become trapped as a event of what has happened to someone as an adult and what took place during their boyhood oldness.

This can count the following feelings and emotions: rejection, abandonment, betrayal, grief, fear, rage, resentment, anger, helplessness, dejection, dishonour, fault and fear.

And just being they are trapped in the body, it doesn’ t selfish that they are not having an fallout on one’ s life. They are constantly looking to be heard in one way or besides.

Letting Go

When one is present and in the moment, they are likely to be free of fear and other restrictive emotions. But if these feelings and emotions are trapped in the body, it is going to be practically impossible to be present.

And this is why it is important to let go of what has built up in the body. When this happens, being present will not be a struggle or something that involves force. It will be something that naturally takes place and all due to there is peace in the body.


In many ways, the mind is plainly a image of what is going on in the body. So getting in touch with ones feelings and emotions and releasing them is very important.

This can be done with the assistance of a therapist or a healer that will concede one to face them and release them.

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