One of the most untalked about subjects is the subject of how people steal other people ' s power, soul and energy.
It is more common then you can apprehend and it goes beyond the realm of the physical dimension with people and extends into the non - physical dimension with non - physical beings.
People on earth have what is called the soul, or personal power. The soul of humans is something that can be taken or accustomed away or stolen. The act of " soul robbery " is a common phenomenon among people in relationships latitude one person is a dominating or power taking person.
People also have what is called an energy field or aura. A common problem that most people have is that in future in life they became dis - connected to their own personal power or soul and thanks to of this they have become dependent on the energy of other people. The term " Energy vampire ", or " Psychic Vampire " is ofttimes a unspecified term, but it is hereafter a person who lives and feeds off the life force or energy of other people. The " energy vampire " person is fully unable to develop their own energy, and in turn they have to go " face " of themselves to get energy. The main cause of energy burglary or feeding is a deprivation of connection to ones own personal power or soul, for if you had a connection to yourself on a enhanced level you would have no need to use other people for energy. It is immensely common among humans although only a few people are fully aware of it, in terms of having to protect their own energy from being stolen or used by others. On a another level, the act of taking or using someone fresh ' s energy is based on having power over and person, and it is a lower level of consciousness that people have chosen to operate under.
A common acceptance is that energy vampires are negative people or use negativity to empty you, although this is not true. Someone can take your energy just by you speaking to them, listening to them speak, looking at them, or being close to them in terms of space, ( like if you were to stand very close to more person ). It has duck egg to do with being negative, it has to do with a person who is on a lower vibration energetically, and just by dealing with them, your energy is taken.
What is even more fine is most people who take or use other people ' s energy, do not know they do it. This is over most people do not identify with how energy works, consequently they have no abstraction they are exhausting you of your energy. The people who be aware how energy works and are also users of other people ' s energy are what I call " Proficient thieves " meaning they largely purposely choose to use other people for energy. I had a mate at one time in my life who told me she would purposely " steal " other people ' s energy and feed off of other people energetically. I asked her how she did it and she verbal, " with her mind ". She uttered she would pull people to her intentionally just with her thoughts and by just someone thriving attention to her, she could take their energy. I asked: so a person has to be propitious attention to you?, and she verbal definitely, by them booming attention to me, they give me their energy. This makes a lot of sense, seeing whatever people polestar on, they nurture to give their energy to. I subsequent found myself always empty and stale around this " chum ".
Whenever we have a relationship or interaction with innumerable human, the other human we are having the relationship with or interaction will either function on two levels.
The first level is the giver level, this is a person who does not have any type of unknown agenda or long to predomination or have power over others. This level is how people should function with one heavier. This level is what is right and apprehensive within the universe as the way you are " supposed " to operate as a human being. Within the universe humans are supposed to be beings who " share " their energy with each other, and not take one exceeding ' s energy and not give back mechanism in return.
The giver is a person who is connected to the " light " as they say, meaning, this person has a connection to his or her own inner power / soul and has no need to use other people for energy, considering they can develop their own energy. This is how you are " supposed " to function as a human being.
- The giver has an energy field ( aura ) which develops its own energy and in turn gives that energy to others.
The second level is the user / abuser and taker level.
The user is the human who has chosen to dominate, management, have power over, or work one expanded as a way to indemnify for his or her own need of power, understanding and soul. The user may be completely unaware of his or her actions and functions on " automatic flyer ", not really intentional who they are and why they operate the way they do.
Some users sense more then others and precisely purposely steal other people ' s power, energy and soul.
The user tends to associate with other users and givers recurrently avoid these types of people. The user may be in high figure positions, such as teachers, healers, leaders, etc. The user is more common within the race of humans then the giver. This is due chiefly to unhealthy choices and being spiritually dis - connected to ones own power and soul. The user tends to operate under fear, which is due to his or her own lack of power, understanding, and higher consciousness. The user functions at a level at which non - physical beings of a sooty nature function at, which is a level of over powering one innumerable, dominating one farther, or attempting to qualification one farther.
- The user has an energy field ( aura ) which is reversed, meaning it does not develop its own energy, but instead it gets its energy from frontage of itself, from other people.
As we deal with one farther in a social or sexual relationship, we exchange energies completely shadowy by the naked eye. When a user operates with fresh user there is very little power lost or stolen between the two people as they are both users and operating at the same level.
When a user operates with a giver, there is an imbalance of energy exchanges. What this means is the user cannot give or exchange energy for of his or her absence of power, while the giver tends to " give " energy to the other person which is the user. So this imbalance creates a unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and the other person gives. As the relationship develops the user can precisely steal whole parts of power or soul from the other person who is a giver. These parts of power or soul that are stolen from the giver are recurrently unknown to them through of their privation of understanding of how the soul functions on an energy level in regards to " Soul Loss ". As parts of personal power are stolen they create openings or holes in the energy field. Once a person begins to develop holes in his or her energy field they are " energetically sitting duck " meaning they have power misplaced from them which in turn has caused them to be yawning energetically to non - physical beings. The zeal of non - physical beings in a persons energy field is what causes a person to develop lower levels of consciousness, energy, and power. The more power a person has stolen from new person, the more power is lost from that person and the more energetically assailable that person becomes.
It is important to master that we are not living in a world that is made of loving and loving beings, although you may posit you are. The darker truth of life is that this world we live in is made principally of fear based beings, lower level humans, and cloudy consciousness. For if we lived in a loving world there would be no need to fight, battle, have power over each other, start wars, or hurt one more.
The reality that humans have lived for thousands of oldness, and have created obliteration but illness, pain and misery within one added is only an archetype of how humans operate on a innumerable level.
Now, I admit there is a time for change. That we must see what is unsound in procedure to fix it.
That we must choose to identify with who we are, and learn to make the choice to not live in fear, or give our power to others, or let on fear and lower level energy into our lives.
Until we catch on that there is no more need for fear, or pain or misery we will never change.
To make the choice to become spiritually quick-witted is to distinguish who we really are.
Who we are is not a living breathing human being, but we are much more then that. We are soul beings, trapped in a physical body until we make the choice to allowance this world.
So when a person comes to you to steal your power, what are you going to say to them?
No! You cannot steal my power, go get your own energy and power and stop using other people for your own personal benefit. When we make the choice to not confess others to use us, we choose to become self - empowered through our own choices to not let on other people to make us sick.
Let ' s now talk about the ways people take your energy and power, as there are many.
1. The Eyes, and Your Body Position when speaking to someone.
The eyes are an important tool for transferring energy. The eyes have been called the ' window of the soul ' for a ground. We can give and take energy through the eyes. If someone needs you to seat on them, you will need to look at them. When people look at something they are focusing on what they are looking at, giving it energy and attention.

Whatever you focal point on you give your energy to. Also the body and the position of the body is very important. Standing straightaway in front of energy vampires is giving them direct access to your heart chakra and heart of your being. It is this position of your body which is not beneficial when speaking to people who absorb others energy. So when speaking to someone who uses others for their energy try to not make eye contact with them, or face them nowadays.
2. Conflict
People who use others for energy will need you to seat on them and feed them. This is how most energy feeding is done. So what they will do is get you to fight them, ventilate with them, play their emotional and power theft games. They will feed off your emotional reaction. They will crack to get you to " play " their game by reacting. They will feed off the energy fed into the conflict. The easiest ( and oldest ) way to steal someone ' s energy and power is to start an argument or conflict with them and feed off their reaction. So when someone starts to induce some sort of conflict with you, you need to examine whether it is worth your energy to " fight back ". Some battles are best dealt with by moving away and saying NO.
3. Name Calling, Gossip, Emotional Attacks
People will need to get you to act emotionally and feel hurt to give away your power. People need you to cynosure your mind on them and what they are manipulating you with. So what better of a way then to call you a name or emotionally attack you in some way? Mostly all power games revolve around making you feel hurt, or embarrassed, or weak, or wobbly. So this method involves heterogeneous acts of demoting your quality of being. Treating you in a way that hurts your emotional self.
4. People Treating You As If You Are Of No Worth or puny, Power and Domination Games
Extended in agreement trick is to stab to treat you like you are of low worth, or someone who lacks a certain skill or quality. The way a " boss " has power over his employees is to treat them like they are unbefitting him, and if the employees accept his beliefs they give away a certain amount of power. The way parents have power over their children is to keep them sworn to down with limiting beliefs such as " you ' re not good enough ", or " you will never discharge that ". Limiting beliefs is extra way to steal someone ' s power.
5. Vocabulary Too Much, Invitation Needless or Dull Questions
A very simple and common way to use others for energy is to ask them imbecilic questions. You need to get someone to give you their energy, so getting them to talk or listen to you talk nonstop is an effective method. A person will come up and ask " Do you know locale the supermarket is ", when the supermarket is right across the road or they very well know exactly post it is. Or they will talk, and talk, and talk, about configuration, it does not have to be a dumping of negativity, it can just be listening to them speak on borderline. The more you listen, the more energy you give away, the more they get you to talk, the more energy you give away.
6. Trying To Be The Spotlight Of Wreath
Some people when they parade into a probability talk exceptionally strident and endeavor to make their presence known. This is a subtle energy feeding method which is designed to trail your rank to them, thereby focusing on them, which gives them energy. People who constantly need to be paid lionization to have severe inner issues of needing love and canonization from others. This is what little children do when they do not get what they want, they tumult and create show. Don ' t concede people to come into your life and force you to fee worship to them if they are not creditable of your praise.
7. Dumping Negative or Emotional or Heavy Crap On You
Related to cipher 4, is dumping heavy or emotional stuff on you. Negativity is very draining, so a person can sit and talk about their problems, and how this is going not right, and how life is so hard, and on and on and before you know it you are faint, and they shlep away sensibility big considering they just fed off your light by dumping their dim crap on you. Again, having boundaries with people is the lesson.
8. Emotional or Heavy Relationships
An emotional or heavy relationship is fatiguing and some people burrow out these types of relationships. Related to figure 1, this relationship revolves around acting, pain, heavy emotions, and sparring match. Bent arguing is a certain fire way to give away your energy and power. Fathom that you could figure at any rule and spending your time jittery and stooped out of shape since of a women or man you are in a relationship with is an notably unhealthy existence. Avoid play, or item emotionally heavy at all costs.
9. Sex / Intercourse
One of the easiest ways to extract someone wider is through sex. Sex is not just a physical interaction, it is an energetic and spiritual interaction. The biggest " feeders " I have met used sex as their weapon of choice. Perceive that if you are a " giver " of energy like so very few people are and you have sex with a " feeder " you are in future making a choice to give away your life force energy and power for a brief moment of physical pleasure. Now sex is not a bad thing, but if it starts to become fatiguing, then you need to find extended person to have that experience with. We did not come to this planet to give our power away to others, we came here to grow as a collective parcel of beings, and if the beings we are dealing with are not playing the same game as we are, we need to shift and change those relationships.
10. Invasion of Personal Space / Being Very Close To Unhealthy People
This is a little more advanced, but some people can feed off of you by just standing close to you. Since your energy field ( aura ) extends around your body in a distance of 5 feet give or take, those who are more experienced " feeders " will cleverly feed off your energy by standing close to you. You would not presume true the amount of people who have tried to stand strikingly close to me in order to feed off my aura. It is partly a gag. But this is what some due in array to steal your power and energy.
11. At distance Feeding aka " Cording "
Increased more advanced method used by those who are highly skilled is to limelight their feeding from a distance. Surely some people can without reservation feed off your energy psychically by using their mind and focusing on " cording " with you. " Cords " work by very thin flaxen thread like energetic cords ( midpoint like tentacles ) being connected to you to feed off you. Some people can project their cords from a distance to you and suck and steal energy from you. You often have to be within eye distance of them, but it can be done and it is done on a daily by those who are more skilled at using others for energy.
12. Psychic Cords
Unlike typical energy " cords ", psychic cords are a psychic connection you have with and person. You may constantly have dreams with a particular person, or you may constantly think about expanded person. You may think about someone and speak to them and they vocal they just attention about you. These are psychic connections and some of them are unhealthy because the people we are connected with " psychically " are unhealthy. If you are psychically connected to someone who is unhealthy, they can absorb some of your energy and power through dreams and other methods of psychic interaction.
13. Foul play, Fear, Anger and Intimidation
An extreme way of theft also person ' s power is to tryout to appal them or physically attack them, for if someone is coming at you to hurt you, you will have no choice but to fight back and defend yourself. It is this defending yourself that will remove you. It is the heavy emotional crap you will go through while defending yourself that will void you. It is the fear you feel when someone attempts to threaten you with physical harm that will empty you. Fear and anger are one in the same, so if someone gets you angry and jittery at them that anger will extract you. These are all the extraordinarily mistaken and manipulative ways some people use to steal our power. So be careful with who attempts to petrify or hurt you. Defense is necessary in some instances but not all. The doughboy way is to avoid conflict at all costs, and mobile away is sometimes the best defense. Fear no one, unless you like being high-strung. Fear is ever dis - empowering and it is the greatest tool of all to steal exceeding person ' s power and energy. If you could get everyone to fear you, what a great master of dis - empowerment you would be. But people choose to be uptight. It is a learned response and choice common among people who are not in their power. People can also project their fears and anger and negative emotions on to you as a sort of psychic attack and that will withdraw you as well. Learn to be in your power and develop emotional rule and you will respond less and less to life with fear.
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